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April 21, 2017Hell hath no fury like a girl scorned! Positive, it is an age-old adage, but it surely suits our situation right this moment. Alena Croft lurks on Hubby’s cellphone when he isn’t round, all the time on the look out for indicators of his infidelity. Certain sufficient, Alena spots one thing fishy from a “bitch”, which suggests it is time to get even. In a flurry of texts and cellphone calls, Alena’s managed to collect up seven “friends” (largely private trainers, pilate academics, yoga and boot camp instructors…you get the image). At first, her associates don’t know why they’re there, but it surely solely takes a couple of minutes earlier than they know it is a Gang Fuck Get together! Every of the seven takes activate Alena’s mouth and cunt, and to actually rub it in, Alena paperwork all of it on Hubby’s cellphone! On the finish, after the Bulls use Alena’s face as a jizz goal, and no matter did not land on her face she swallowed. And in a single last blow, they take one final photograph — a bunch photograph — for Hubby to get pleasure from when he lastly finds his cellphone. “